Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Barack O'BadBrains (oh, and I moved to Portland)

Obviously, it has been a while since I have updated this blog. A lot and nothing has happened in that time -- quite the existential paradox, I know -- but the first thing I feel compelled to mention is this: a totally fucking awesome Barack Obama shirt based on the cover of Bad Brains' debut album. I noticed someone wearing it this weekend at a soap box derby in San Francisco's Dolores Park (about the most noteworthy thing of that event). Apparently some dude in Oakland makes them. I figured I'd wait until after the election to pick up an Obama shirt, when thrift stores are likely to be flooded with them, but I might just have to order away for this one.

Other than that, I relocated to Portland two days ago -- quit the job I had for six years, left the city where I've been for 26 years, and now I'm here, reviving this blog from my room at the Sixth Avenue Motel just outside downtown, because I assume there will be a lot more to ramble into a vacuum about than there was in Ventura. It hasn't totally sunk in yet that I finally live in a biggish city, probably because until I've nailed down a permanent place to stay, I don't technically "live" in Portland. It still feels like I'm going to be leaving at some point -- I mean, I still might, given that I don't have a job (that's goal #2) and am surviving off savings which will soon begin to dwindle. But I have to keep reminding myself that I'm going to be here for at least the next few months. Otherwise, it feels like a vacation, the minutes counting down to when I begin my return to my stagnant life in Southern California. I drove out to North Portland to look at some rooms, and on my way back got this amazing view of the city at night from the freeway, the kind of image that used to make me wish I lived somewhere other than Oxnard. Now I'm actually living in that place, but it doesn't exactly seem real yet.

Seriously, I never thought this kind of luxury could be mine:

1 comment:

serialcommakiller said...

at least there's an air conditioner.